karenfuhr's blog

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Aerial dance classes in Brooklyn

Hey there! I'm not sure how to get the news out about my workshops that I'm holding in Williamsburg, Brooklyn NYC. I think everyone should know about this. Check out the photo--that's what you learn to do!!!

Please go to:


There is footage of our last workshop of people learning how to fly. It just is so much fun.

Thanks guys-

tell me what you think!

take care,

karenfuhr's picture

looking for a welder...pay!

I need an artist to create very substantial stands for a dancer to put their full body weight on them. It needs to have hand holds at the top of each stand. It should be almost impossible to tip them over. Ideally, it would be screwed into to stage somehow. Write back and we'll talk more about the specifics.

Go to XYandZ.org to see the work of my aerial dance company for more specifics....

Thank you!

Let's collaborate.


karenfuhr's picture

aerial classes in NYC!!!!

Hello All!!!

XYandZ is having an AERIAL dance theater workshop at 241 Bedford Ave Williamsburg, Brooklyn!!!

The focus of the workshop will be improvisation on the floor, taking it in
the air, and developing a set choreographic sequence that results in
characterization and plot development. We will learn basic rock climbing
techniques (simple figure 8 knots, and belaying with a gri gri) which will
enable us to safely spin, climb, bounce, eject, and pierce the air that
surrounds us. Each 3 hour day will result in an aerial vocabulary which
includes harness work, lyra play (hoop), and adagio wall focus. At the end

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