221A Artist Run Centre: Call for Curatorial Residents 2012-13 (deadline February 6)

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221A Artist Run Centre
221 E. Georgia St.
Vancouver, V6A 1Z6
t +16045680812
f +16046083899

Monday, Feb 6, 2012 – by 4:00pm

221A Artist Run Centre is seeking project proposals from curators commencing late 2012. 221A has implemented the curatorial residencies program to encourage a diversity of curatorial approaches to this nascent interdisciplinary field. Emerging and professional curators and curatorial collectives are encouraged to submit which may include recent graduates and practicing artists, designers and architects. Projects may include exhibitions, performances, publications, talks or workshops. Proposals should discuss a viewpoint, theory, or approach that the project hopes to foster as well as include its relation to the organizations mandate.

Selected candidates will be expected to work with the Executive Director to research, plan and execute the project. In addition, selected curators are expected to sit on the Curatorial Committee for a minimum one-year term (meeting monthly) to offer feedback to other curatorial residents and the overall program.

Proposal Guidelines
Applicants must submit a digital proposal (hello@221a.ca) including the following:
• a one-page project proposal, describing the curatorial project and its relationship to the mandate of the organization
• a current CV of each of the key contributors (maximum 3 pages each)
• related images/texts as required (pdf or jpegs, max. 15 images, or up to 10 min. of video)
Proposals are intended to provide the projects overall intention and background and are only expected to include pertinent details. Applicants who intend on proposing self-curated projects (as an Artist-Curator) must describe the reasoning behind this approach. Further research and development of the project is expected to occur after selection.

Download Exhibition Map (321KB) - 221a.ca/call2012-13/221a-map-exhibitionroom01-04-2012

221A Artist Run Centre is a non-profit organization funded through self-generated income, private donors, foundations and government grants. All projects are funded through the organizations operating budget as well as through project-based grants. All projects must pay minimum CARFAC fees to artists, designers, technicians, writers, and curators.

Monday, February 6, 2012 – by 4:00pm

Brian McBay, Executive Director, E: bmcbay@221a.ca

from e-artnow