INK - CALL for ART, deadline April 4th

AMP's picture

May 10 & 11, 2013
Tangent Gallery, Detroit

The practice of permanently inking the body spans all cultures, religions and lifestyles throughout history. INK serves to examine and celebrate the art, culture, lifestyle, history, anthropology and sociology of tattoos, tattooing, and being tattooed.

The overall theme for the show is tattoos, however, it is encouraged to consider and explore more specific themes within the general concept: decorative, tribal, prison, gang, magical, ritual, religious/spiritual, tattoos used for identification purposes, specific tattooing processes/equipment, memorial art, flash art, extreme tattooing, tattooing as an occupation, from the perspective of the tattoo artist, the stigma related to tattoos, the consequences of tattoos, tattoos that liberate/empower, the various tattoo styles, etc.

All mediums are welcomed and encouraged from artists locally, nationally and internationally, including two and three dimensional works (paint, sculpture, photography, mixed media, etc.), as well as live tattoo canvases exhibiting work on their bodies.

Tattoo artists wishing to have a live canvas at the event, should submit their concept, if not yet completed, along with at least five portfolio examples of their work, as well as a snapshot of their model. This being an early call for art, please consider a larger project piece that you can work/are working on over the next several months that best represents you as an artist. Selected tattoo artists are encouraged to bring to the opening a physical portfolio to share a variety of their work with potential clients attending the show, as well as business cards to promote themselves.

Two and three dimensional artists may submit up to five pieces for consideration. Artwork is not required to be for sale, but encouraged.

All accepted artists will be required to pay a single $15 participation fee, regardless of the number of pieces selected. Artists are responsible for shipping.

Deadline for submissions is midnight Thursday, April 4th 2013.
Selections will be made and artists will be notified by Monday, April 8, 2013.

All submission images should be sent as jpegs to:
with the subject line 'SUBMISSION'.
Please include Artists Name, Title, Medium, Size and Price (or NFS) for each piece. Commission for this show will be 70% Artist/30% Gallery, so keep that in mind when setting your prices.

Feel free to also include a short biography, artist statement, description of submitted work, website information, etc.

Shipping/Drop-off info to be announced once the jury selection is completed
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