Building Dreams - Again

Parthena's picture

After Joe died, I had to go back to work full time and was unable to extricate myself from my previous part-time job as planned. I developed health problems because of overwork, had little online time and when things finally did slow down, I had major problems with my little local ISP, having no service for nearly a month. Thanks to me and the Taurus stomping fit I threw and threats I made, they now have a weekend on-call number, but the universe was telling me something.......

Writing the column as a volunteer editor on what was supposedly the second largest women's site in the world (or so the site owner said, I never saw that stat anywhere) was paying off for a site owner who rarely contacted anyone outside the clique with anything other than criticism while she made her living from our efforts. I'll give her credit in that we retained copyright to anything we wrote and any money we made on the site - mostly Amazon affiliate fees - was ours to keep as opposed to other sites that take a percentage. She wrote my site prior to my coming on. When I started, the site traffic was 23,000 per month. In less than a year of working my ass off to build and organize my section of the site, I was receiving 150,000 visitors per month. My site was even used by at least one college psych professor to teach a unit about Freud and Jung. But when I seemed to fall off the face of the earth, the site owner didn't bother to pick up the phone to see if I was okay or to at least say "thank you" although she was fully aware of the situation.

This was the second time I'd let myself get into this situation (I helped build a large and well known pagan forum just to be told, along with several others who'd also put in a lot of work, knowledge and time, by the site owner that we were no longer needed - and he was supposedly a personal friend of ours) and the Goddess was finally telling me in no uncertain terms that while life gives to the giver, I often give way, way too much.

So, I found myself spending a bit of time on MySpace and seeing other people using it as a networking resource based on the gazillion friend requests I'm getting for dating services, vitamins and musicians. I've never really wanted to write a dream dictionary because it's been done to death - and the interpretation is really the dreamer's. But I do miss it, I need to get myself writing again and thought that this would be a good place to start. So this is just for me, to get up some momentum in getting back to writing, and for you to enjoy and hopefully learn from.

I didn't bother to save the 100+ articles I wrote on the site because my little laptop didn't have enough memory and I'm too lazy to use disks, so I'll be starting from scratch. It may not seem organized for a while because I'm going to let myself be inspired by my own dreams and waking life, the weather, the seasons, my cats, etc.....and you if you want to ask questions or give feedback. My insights come from a Master in Social Work, 20 years of people experience as a professional, a lifetime of dreaming and one of my intuitive guides, D.C. - who was one of the best therapists that ever walked this earth.

If you'd like your dream interpreted ~~ I still don't have a lot of online time, so if you'll send me a message and be patient, I'll answer it in the blog by writing about the symbol and to you personally if time permits. I always encourage people to learn how to interpret their own dreams rather than to rely on someone else. Getting input from other people is not a bad thing and can really help stimulate your own insights, but you are really the only one who knows what's going on inside your head and heart.

My goal is to post at least one per week on my blog. Enjoy, and dream........