
Parthena's picture

Dream Symbols - Suicide

Sorry, folks - unfortunately, news of a suicide yesterday inspired this one - but this symbol isn't always included in most dream dictionaries....

At this time of year, when fall is turning to winter and the animals and plants are going into hibernation to awaken renewed in the spring, we are reminded of the natural cycle of life, death and rebirth. While dreams of death are rarely associated with physical death, suicide has a slightly different meaning.

You may have heard the saying, "Depression is anger turned inward." Suicide is a form of aggression toward the self, a sign of feelings turning inward that can cause destruction without the possibility of rebuilding. Anger and depression can literally kill the spirit unless one remembers that emotions, feelings and events are actually external to who we are at our core. At our core, we are peaceful and loving - negative feelings and events don't have to affect us when we choose to watch them through the window instead of answering the door.

Have you been carrying around feelings of guilt, shame or despair that you can't seem to shake? Has there been an ongoing problem that you are avoiding or can't see the light at the end of the tunnel? Your dream is giving you a clear message that you'd better deal with these feelings or situations before they do kill you with physical, emotional or spiritual pain.

Parthena's picture

Building Dreams - Again

After Joe died, I had to go back to work full time and was unable to extricate myself from my previous part-time job as planned. I developed health problems because of overwork, had little online time and when things finally did slow down, I had major problems with my little local ISP, having no service for nearly a month. Thanks to me and the Taurus stomping fit I threw and threats I made, they now have a weekend on-call number, but the universe was telling me something.......

Writing the column as a volunteer editor on what was supposedly the second largest women's site in the world (or so the site owner said, I never saw that stat anywhere) was paying off for a site owner who rarely contacted anyone outside the clique with anything other than criticism while she made her living from our efforts. I'll give her credit in that we retained copyright to anything we wrote and any money we made on the site - mostly Amazon affiliate fees - was ours to keep as opposed to other sites that take a percentage. She wrote my site prior to my coming on. When I started, the site traffic was 23,000 per month. In less than a year of working my ass off to build and organize my section of the site, I was receiving 150,000 visitors per month. My site was even used by at least one college psych professor to teach a unit about Freud and Jung. But when I seemed to fall off the face of the earth, the site owner didn't bother to pick up the phone to see if I was okay or to at least say "thank you" although she was fully aware of the situation.

This was the second time I'd let myself get into this situation (I helped build a large and well known pagan forum just to be told, along with several others who'd also put in a lot of work, knowledge and time, by the site owner that we were no longer needed - and he was supposedly a personal friend of ours) and the Goddess was finally telling me in no uncertain terms that while life gives to the giver, I often give way, way too much.

So, I found myself spending a bit of time on MySpace and seeing other people using it as a networking resource based on the gazillion friend requests I'm getting for dating services, vitamins and musicians. I've never really wanted to write a dream dictionary because it's been done to death - and the interpretation is really the dreamer's. But I do miss it, I need to get myself writing again and thought that this would be a good place to start. So this is just for me, to get up some momentum in getting back to writing, and for you to enjoy and hopefully learn from.

Corrientes's picture

Some info. about Corrientes and EVT Productions

All Corrientes music is recorded, mixed, and produced by Ivette Torres in a home studio. There is a section on the Corrientes website named "EVT Productions" which is dedicated to Corrientes recording information. New songs are posted in this section with information on the equipment and techniques used on the recordings. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Toda la música de Corrientes está grabada, mezclada y producida por Ivette Torres en su estudio de grabación casero.

Corrientes's picture

Corrientes Forum

Hi everyone,

Corrientes has created a forum where we have a lot of talk about how we are recording our music and the instruments and gear we are using.

Please stop in and share what you're doing in your studios.


EV of Corrientes

Les quiero invitar al foro de Corrientes. queremos conversar e intercambiar con ustedes las técnicas y el equipo musical que estan usando en sus grabaciones.


missumi's picture

moving my film journals here

I'm moving my myspace blog here. i'm a lazy blogger anyway. a better documentarian hopefully.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

did the whole correction of the screenplay in english and found a little bit of something in it, love the complexity of Kadokawa, not just because it's sorta written in his account. you will see what i mean by that when a year later the movie is out and we go through the stages of his feeling toward women from depising to admiring to finally drifting apart... it's the double twist that i like.

missed the director's call 2a.m. when he wanted to meet me and the DP for some drink out there somewhere in the Beijing street, and just talk, about the screenplay... that'd be so much fun. i do hope there still is chance though. maybe we should have Sake next time.

G. F. Mlely's picture

Seamstress Sought

Hawaii & Pacific (subsidiary of JazCraft) seeks experienced costume seamstress through the month of November. There is pay.

Dancers are located in Long Beach. Deadline for dress rehearsal is 12/16/06.

Interested persons please contact Hawaii & Pacific at

Hawai’i & Pacific

renman's picture

Tech No Geek

So here I am on a new web site, and it's... Gotta figure all this stuff out. Each new site is different and has it's own quirks.

Wish I was more of a techno geek. Then it wouldn't be so hard acclimating to the new (computer-wise, that is). Can adapt plenty good for the most part otherwise. Most of the time.

More later...

Skip247's picture

My Creative Impetus.

I can not help it. I love this drive inside of me that is impelling me to communicate my thoughts through my art. I have found it to be the most potent form of meditation and focus I have ever experienced.

It is no wonder that our most ancient ancestors painted their visions on the walls of caves - not anywhere near the surface for general view, but way down deep inside the earth and their only references were their own minds/spirits. We do the same when our concentration negates all distractions. Does a singer or player 'take in the views' as they are performing? No, they are somewhere inside. It must be the same with all art disciplines. Our art is our spirits communicating. It never ceases to amaze me every day I am creating, just how potent our natural creative energy really is. I go for the positive every time because it creates a greater understanding and with mutual understanding comes love. And, right now, there seems to be a huge need for love in this World in these times.

michael mackinnon's picture

Death of a True Warrior

Well this is my first blog on AMP and i thought i would take this opportunity to show you all what i do, quite simply i write songs, or rather lyrics, the song i wrote as a tribute to a very special person, her name is Dawn Reese, she had been fighting cancer for about 2 years when i met her, and what stood out was the pure strength that she had, strength of character, strength of will and strength of mind, she was always amazing to be around, never sorry for herself, never depressed, never bitter, one morning i got up and just put pen to paper, and the words to true warrior flowed, at the time i was a member of songwriter101 and asked online if anyone would like to put music to the words i had written, one gentleman steppwd forward and said he would give it a try, what i got back blew me away, i think it took about two days for him to compose the music and record the vocals, since then it has been played on WIRN radio, who incidently made a cash donation to st judes hospital in dawns name, i truly hope that you get as much out of the song as i have.

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