Fight Hunger Viral Video Contest

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Viral Video Contest

Perhaps you have heard about all the excitement that viral videos are causing? If not, a quick explanation is in order. Per Wikipedia "the term viral video refers to video clip content which gains widespread popularity through the process of Internet sharing, typically through email or IM messages, blogs and other media
sharing websites". Usually, the videos are fun items that gain interest as they are passed between friends who e-mail them to one another, or because a particularly popular blog refers to them, etc. In recent months, there have been several stories in major media about specific video clips, some of which were intended for commercial purposes, and some which have just become wildly popular
due to their creativity and/or content.

Now Fight Hunger: Walk the World would like to mobilise the creativity of the viral video community, and is thus launching its own Viral Video Contest.

We're looking for short, upbeat videos that will help spread the word about ending child hunger by 2015. The winner will get the chance to visit and film a World Food Programme School Feeding Project in a developing country! To find out more, please click on this link:

Fight Hunger Viral Video Contest:

Please also pass this link on to any others who might be interested in demonstrating their creativity for this worthy cause. We're hoping to get some original and interesting entries!

This was posted on the Art4Development Yahoo Groups listserv.