Dream Symbols - Darkness, Light

Parthena's picture

Driving home tonight on the dangerous rural highway with its curves and drops, I was very conscious of the darkness. It's rained most of the day and while the moon is waxing to full, the sky is so cloudy that it was pitch black. I felt uneasy and afraid, but I also felt moved to reflect upon the light side of the darkness.

Darkness is the absence of light. For most of our society, darkness is associated with fear and wrongdoing. We sometimes feel very vulnerable at night, some children - and adults - are afraid of the dark. When it's dark, we are far more frightened by "things that go bump in the night" that wouldn't bother us at all during the day. Darkness can cover actions that a person doesn't want seen. We sometimes describe the rough times in our lives by referring to them as "a dark year" or "a dark time."

Light symbolizes the Divine, Spirit, Truth, Redemption, Rescue, Faith, Insight, Awareness and The Pot of Gold at The End of The Rainbow. When light is absent, we may feel as though none of these things exist or that we can't get to them even if they do.

Yet darkness provides a place for regeneration and renewal. Night time is when we sleep, giving our bodies rest and healing for the work to be done the next day. In climates with cold winters, we may sleep more and go out less, often putting on those pounds that send us into a panic in the spring. Thanksgiving and Christmas bring families together more than other holidays and we renew connections with our loved ones.

Animals and plants hibernate or become dormant in winter, when the days are shorter and there is less light. They rest, preparing for the work to be done in the spring. Many animals will give birth, and plants and flowers will begin to bud and bloom. Darkness represents the unconscious, the side of the Self that we don't readily show to others and often aren't very well acquainted with ourselves. Darkness in dreams can symbolize a spiritual journey to the depths of the Self, a time to assess where we've been, where we are and where we need to go.

What were the feelings and circumstances surrounding the night or darkness? If you felt fearful, your dream may be showing you feelings of hopelessness or despair that you are dealing with in waking life. Perhaps there's a problem that you haven't found a solution for and it's been causing you stress. If you were afraid of another person, animal or object in the dream, look at what those things symbolize for you. If you were trapped in the darkness and there was no light, you may be feeling depressed and not be able to see past the problem into a solution. Try to see if you can identify other symbols in the dream that may point to choices you may not have thought of.

If the darkness felt comforting, you are very likely entering a period of slowing down and regeneration. Your dream is telling you to utilize this time to re-connect with your self or spirituality to gather strength for the work ahead.

If there was light present in your dream, even off in the distance, you can be assured that you are being guided toward wholeness.



"Reality Is Wrong ~ Dreams Are For Real." - Tupac Shakur

© Parthena Black 2006. If you'd like to use any part of this article, please ask permission. If you credit me, I'll usually say yes. The above is for information only and is not a substitute for medical advice or professional counseling.


libramoon's picture

mother night

Mother Night

Darkness is not about
the absence of light.
Shadow does not demand substance.
Darkness is a place of germination.
Mixing water, air and earth
to create the fire of life renewed.

Quiet here,
enclosed in silence,
a tiny heartbeat starts,
sending out waves,
rippling through the earth.
Under water caves
feel the pulse, the beat, the becoming.
Time, space, and impulse converge.
Innocent and ancient,
taking up the tune
to play riffs,
singing the structure of images,
moving through the night
eerie demonic counterpoint
to pure essence
straining through.

A thousand petals open
to reveal the heart of the lotus
mother of pearl.

(c) March 27, 2006 Laurie Corzett